

The Midland Region for the B.A.T.D. covers a large area of the country and currently has in excess of 72 members.

The present officials for the Region are:
Chairman – Alison Noble
Treasurer – Kay Botley
Secretary – Charlotte Buckby

Regional meetings are held twice a year in April and November and are usually held in Lincoln. We are a very friendly Region, who tries to make everyone feel welcome.

Our Meetings also include several lectures on a variety of subjects. We encourage our members young and old to request what best suits them from Latin to Ballroom, Hip Hop to Ballet we keep up with the current trends and aim to provide our Region with a friendly and informative BATD membership.

Family run dance school in Sheffield. Established in 1956. Classes from 2.5 years - Adults, as well as parent and baby/toddler sensory classes from birth - 3 years. Branches taught: Moden, Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Stage, Freestyle, Cheerpom, Acro & Lyrical.
Townend Dance Studio, 2a Briarfield Road, Sheffield, S12 3LD, United Kingdom
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Highland Dance School based in Corby, Northamptonshire.
The Ennerdale Centre, Corby, Northants, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
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Unified offers tuition in Majorettes, freestyle, Tap, Modern and Contemporary. We regularly compete in Carnivals, and have a newly formed Freestyle competition team.
68 DAllington rd, na, na, Northamptonshire nn5 7bq, United Kingdom
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Hall On The Green, Ulverston Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 8EQ, United Kingdom
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