
British Columbia & Northwest States

In our friendly BATD area we have approximately 50 BATD members and are continually growing. We have a great relationship in our area, where we help each other with transportation, hotel/hall bookings and with Syllabus questions when exam time comes around each year.

We have a great support system of experienced BATD examiners, judges and teachers in our area that are always happy to lend their expertise to newer BATD members in the area.

We always welcome new members to our area and will be more than pleased to help them with any BATD information they may need…on exams, Championship Set Step lectures, and any other BATD information.

One great weekend the BATD offers is our B.A.T.D. North American Highland weekend. It is an Annual event that alternates between the USA and Canada. There is Scholarship classes, business meetings, workshops and performances. Students are nominated to the Scholarship event from grade examination results. This is a great opportunity to network and learn more about the BATD.

We are always looking for new ideas to promote the BATD in our area, so don’t be shy.
Welcome to the BC/Northwest States Area

309 craighill ave, , Richland, WA 99352, United States
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