
Scholarship & Examination Dresswear

Grooming Requirements for Stage, Ballet Examinations and Medal Tests

For Stage – Modern Dance – Tap – Jazz

Leotard. Full length tights (could be footless). All candidates to be dressed alike, with uniformity in colour etc.
Hair to be tidy and taken back off the face. NO jewellery or nail varnish to be worn. NO leg warmers, t-shirts or crop tops to be worn.

Jazz pants will be acceptable in Jazz, Stage, Tap and Modern Dance examinations. However, the Association’s Stage and Ballet Committee would like to clarify which “Jazz Pants” exactly will be permitted in exams. The picture shows the style of black jazz pants allowed which are to be worn over a leotard.

For Ballet

All candidates to be dressed alike with a uniformity in colour etc… Pre-Primary & Primary – Leotard, Circular skirt (Above the knee)
Pink or white ballet shoes. Ankle socks (candidates over 10 years may wear tights)
Grade 1 upwards Leotard, Pink or Tights to match skintone and ballet shoes
Grade 4 upwards Major skirt (optional)
Hair to be tidy and taken back off the face and neck.
Teacher’s choice of ribbons or elastic on ballet shoes as long as whole school is consistent.

NO jewellery or nail varnish to be worn. NO leg warmers, t-shirts or crop tops to be worn.

Grooming notes for boys
Ballet Exams

Pre-Primary & Primary – Black shorts OR tights, white T-shirt, white socks, black ballet shoes. Black shorts OR tights, white T-shirt, white socks, white ballet shoes.

Grades 1 to 5 – Black tights, White T-shirt OR White leotard, white socks, black ballet shoes. Black tights, white T-shirt, white socks, white ballet shoes.

Majors – Black tights, White leotard, white socks black ballet shoes. Black tights, white T-shirt, white socks, white ballet shoes.

Jazz – Modern – Stage – Tap etc…

White T-shirts, shorts OR jazz pants
Stage and Ballet Committee December 2007