
Jazz Introduction

Jazz Dance is a rhythmic stylized dance form with roots in America. Jazz is a blend of traditions in which the European influence of elegance and the African influence of rhythmic propulsion results in an energetic and exhilarating class of rhythmic and dynamic movement. Jazz technique borrows from classical ballet, modern dance, blending other varied techniques such as folk dance, african traditional dance and musical styles of past and present, even social and cultural influences all make up the style and energy of jazz.

Classic Jazz, Afro-Cuban, Lyrical, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Blues and Funk are just some of the styles of Jazz Dance. With the musical influence of Boogie, Disco, Techno, Ragtime and the popular music trends, jazz dance is both motivational and ever changing.

The class itself is comprised of movement to music learning rhythms, styles of dance, technique, social interaction, discovering the body and creativity. With guidance dance and music appreciation, discipline and class participation are taught.

The BATD grade work is broken down into Barre, Centre and Floor Work progressing through Isolations and Creative Movement. Starting with a basic warm-up, progressing through proper flexibility and strengthening and stretching work the student will learn body awareness. The student will then move through dance skills/movements to develop jazz technique and style. Throughout the class the steps and movements are then placed into choreography that can be sued in class routines, performance opportunities.